How to Downgrade WordPress to an Older Version?

Having issues with your theme or plugins usability? Downgrading WordPress to an older version could be a fast solution. We will show you some methods in this article to downgrade the WordPress core to a previous version. Why to Downgrade WordPress? Thousands of websites broken up with the latest WordPress 5.5 update. There were a number of problems, but the compatibility of the latest WordPress version with plugins and themes was one of the most popular. This means that because of these conflicts, any theme, plugin, or custom code that is not compliant with the current WordPress core displays error messages and crashes the websites. We have already seen several methods to fix the problems with WordPress 5.5 and one of the best is to downgrade WordPress to a previous, stable version. While this does not address the compatibility issue with the new edition, before the incompatible themes and plugins receive an upgrade, it allows you to keep your site online. So you'll learn various m...