Tips to Accept Payments on WordPress Sites in 2021

In a way of building a profit-earning WordPress store, you must have thought of a lot of business involving things. But did you think about accepting payment or a WP payment gateways? You must do it! Same as bringing sales is an important part for businesses, how secure & efficient your payment procedure also affects the complete process. 2021 turns up as a game-changer for online business, in such, the payment mediums should complement your business. And for that, in today’s article, we are discussing top tips you should note before paying for a WordPress or WooCommerce site. Note down top tips before payment on WP site- 1. Use the PayPal buys now button to accept payment- The PayPal button by Scott Peterson is straightforward WP payments for rapid payments. With 20,000 + active installations, buttons can be placed anywhere on your site to sell. Customers can use both PayPal account or debit & credit card. The best part of the plugin is the...